Meet Associate Roberta Gumbel

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Roberta Gumbel, CSJA

I am a mother, college voice instructor and singer. A little over a year ago, members of the St. Therese Little Flower Parish in Kansas City, Missouri, were invited to consider becoming CSJ associates. My mind found it interesting and my heart said, "Do it." I will always have questions about my faith, or lack thereof, but I knew this experience could only be a positive one.

I have been a Catholic all my life and I’ve been blessed to know many sisters. I attended Catholic schools until I went to college. From the BVMs at Annunciation, the Dominicans at Holy Name and Father Benedict Justice School to the Sisters of St. Joseph at St. Teresa’s Academy, I’ve never had a poor relationship or impression of the sisters. It feels right now to offer my support and prayers in a more adult relationship where I choose to share with sisters rather than their being authority figures or teachers in my life.

The sisters I see at St. Therese Little Flower are amazing role models of faith and service. Working with the poor, sick, elderly or disadvantaged, they are constant reminders to me of how much is needed in this world. I see them as humans and not as the holier-than-thou persons we were taught to obey as little children.

And in seeing their humanity, I feel called to support them rather than revere them, to pray for them rather than asking for their prayers as holy women, and to assist when shown where the need is. In short, to walk with them instead of behind them. With each step, I hope to get closer to a calmness and serenity of my own. I’d like to think that in sharing my gifts, whatever they may be, I receive a gift. Not of gratitude but of satisfaction that I’m making a small difference to the dear neighbor. St. Therese said it was all about the “little way” so perhaps that’s what being a CSJ associate will continue to teach me. Because I’m sure I’m not done learning.

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