Care for Creation

We believe in the sacredness of all creation.

P MH butterfly garden planting april 2018 23
Planting native butterfly garden on the motherhouse grounds.

The United Nations tells us that climate change is the defining issue of our time, and we are at a defining moment. From shifting weather patterns that threaten food production to rising sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic flooding, the impacts of climate change are global in scope and unprecedented in scale. Without drastic action today, adapting to these impacts in the future will be more difficult and costly.

After more than a century and a half, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have risen to record levels not seen in three million years. Carbon dioxide, largely the product of burning fossil fuels, accounts for 2/3’s of the greenhouse gases. There is still a small window for humans to change their behavior to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to limit climate change. The benefits for air quality would come quickly, while global temperatures would take 20-30 years to stabilize.

It will take the effort of all of us to save our planet.

Responding Boldly and Creatively

The Catholic Church formulated a way for us to respond to this Earth crisis through through Pope Francis' Laudato Si encyclical, inviting groups, like us sisters, to formulate a plan with measurable goals. As a congregation, we continue to respond boldly and creatively working on both longer-term systemic changes and personal ecological conversion.

At the St. Louis province motherhouse, we updated the historic building to be more energy efficient. Replacing windows, tuckpointing the exterior, installing LED lighting, composting food waste, growing native plants and more. Our efforts are making a measurable difference.

We Sisters of St. Joseph have also made individual commitments for personal change. “I have found the ‘make one change’ approach works for me," says Sister Patty Johnson, who has made Earth issues her priority in her role as congregational leader, a Sister of St. Joseph and a lover of creation.

"I started changing small habits or swapping out harmful products one at a time. As I observed myself making these changes, I found that the next time someone suggested another change I was more open to it. I talk about these changes with others to raise awareness. I recognize that my small actions are connected with the actions of millions of others around the world and the movement to live a more sustainable life is growing."

Everything is Connected

We believe that creation is a sacred trust. We recognize that all aspects of justice and survival intertwine with all creation. Our lack of consciousness and activities have placed Mother Earth in crisis, and we recognize our harmful impact. One aspect of our mission is to form loving relationships with all creation, therefore we commit to raising awareness, changing our behaviors and taking informed action to protect the entire Earth community and those who are affected by the devastating results of climate change.