
Bringing loving unity to a divided world

The Sisters of St. Joseph and Associates educate, advocate and take action to promote justice. Our work is rooted in the gospel call to social justice and the struggle to be prophetic signs of unity in our world. Whatever we do to bring about the unity of neighbor with neighbor is our work of justice.

Everyone of our sisters is a woman of justice. Each of them in their own way has a story to tell because each has taken on as their mission in life to find a way to make the love of God real and concrete. As prophetic witnesses, we seek to share the abundance of wisdom that is ours from the countless women who have lived this life of justice. That is what we are being called to today.

Serving a world in need

Since our founding in 1650, the Sisters of St. Joseph have been called to respond to the needs of the times, a tradition that we embrace today. Sisters of St. Joseph, associates and partners serve individuals and speak out on the unjust systems that affect them such as immigration, racism, healthcare, poverty, LGBTQIA+ issues and many more.

Service is not just about doing. It’s about creating relationships. Whether we are serving the homeless at a shelter in our city or serving the migrants at a shelter at our southern border, we work with compassion to make an impact in the communities we serve. It’s about reaching out to those people who are feeling isolated and alone and helping them to see that there’s something bigger than themselves. As long as we continue to build loving relationships, there’s hope. All we have to do is work together to find it.

Through public statements, letters to our government representatives, public protests and demonstrations and other peaceful action, we invite others to consider with us life from a different perspective.

We keep our eyes on the big picture, working for change by serving on boards, making corporately-responsible investments and by collaborating with others to create new systems that don’t just better today’s situation but ensure a better tomorrow.

Together, we are the heart of justice

The heart of our community is to bring about loving unity in our world. Our common heart calls us to take one more step. Together, we are the heart of justice. You can share the heart of a Sister of St. Joseph and take one step in your world to being about unity where there is division.