Students from The College School Visit the Motherhouse

  • January 12, 2024
Sister Margaret Guzzardo shares her experiences working at the Casa Alitas Welcome Center in Tucson, Arizona

This week, we welcomed students and faculty from The College School in Webster Groves to the Carondelet Motherhouse. The 6th, 7th and 8th graders are working on their winter research papers for their class, “A Seat at the Table: A Look at the Fight for Equality and Equity.” They began the day looking over historical primary print sources with Sally Budge, assistant archivist with the Carondelet Consolidated Archives. Then, Sister Kate Filla led them on a detailed tour of the motherhouse. The afternoon concluded with small group sharing with a few of our sisters. The students were put into three groups with a sister assigned to each group. They listened to the sisters’ first-hand accounts of their experiences working toward social justice.

Plans are already in the works to invite more classes from The College School to the motherhouse. We look forward to building this relationship!

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Sister Kate led students from The College School on a tour of the historical Carondelet Motherhouse