Sister Mary McGlone Pens Second Book About the Sisters of St. Joseph

Mary Mc Glone CSJ Full
Sister Mary McGlone, CSJ

Author and historian Sister Mary McGlone continues to tell the tale of the history of the Sisters of St. Joseph in her newest book, Called Forth by the Dear Neighbor: History of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Volume Two. In this sequel to her first volume, Anything of Which a Woman is Capable, Sister Mary shares the second half of the Sisters of St. Joseph’s story in the United States from 1860 to 2010 as they were redefining themselves with associates, combinations of congregations and facing a future unlike anything they’d known. 

“The book chronicles how Sisters of St. Joseph, as one identifiable segment of the rest of the apostolic women religious in the country, built the institutional church of the United States with their vision, labor and self-giving dedication,” says Sister Mary.  

In the first book, Sister Mary tells about how all of the Sisters of St. Joseph in the United States began in the mid-17th century. Both books are available for purchase for $26 each. To obtain a copy, contact Sister Mary at [email protected]