Border News: Volunteers Once Again Serve in El Paso

Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet are presently ministering to the people coming across the border in El Paso, Texas.

They volunteer through Annunciation House, a sanctuary program that offers migrants and refugees hospitality, advocacy and education. Currently, our volunteers are serving between 70-125 new guests that arrive at the facility each day. Tasks include tackling mounds of laundry, shopping for winter clothing and accompanying people to the airport for the next leg of their journeys to reach their sponsors.

As Sister Maureen says, “At the Casa de Refugios, anything can happen.” For example, Marge spent one whole day doing laundry and still didn’t catch up. “This is the reality of being there for the people and giving them a clean place to stay,” Sister Maureen adds.

Sister Patrice, a return volunteer, trained Sister Maureen on how to help people traveling by plane. The migrants cannot go through the regular TSA lines because they don’t have passports, so it’s a separate process that can take anywhere from two to three hours. And that’s only part of the challenge. Sister Maureen recounts, “We had two women who for the first time in their lives were going to fly, and they had to change planes three times. They don’t speak any English!”

The volunteers report that one great delight is the children. “They are stealing our hearts,” Sister Maureen says. They work in a children’s room in the evening that gives both the kids and the parents a break in the midst of the chaos. “It lightened my heart to watch the parents sitting and playing with their children,” she says.

None of this is easy, but, thanks to all the volunteers, the transition becomes easier. “I wish you all could see the faces of these people when they arrive,” says Sister Maureen. “Their smiles and posture of relief make all the difference in the world.”


Please keep our volunteers (and all the volunteers) in your prayers that they have a welcoming face and heart with an attitude to match as they encounter these people who have been on life-changing journeys.

You can help provide much-needed winter clothing and supplies by making a donation on our website (just note “border” in the comments). Thank you to all who have donated for the cause!

The need for volunteers there has resumed. If any sister or associate desires to serve in this ministry, please access the information on the congregational website. The process begins with contacting your province leadership team. Or visit Annunciation House for more information.