Associate Spotlight: Cindy Sullivan, CSJA

A Cindy Sullivan web2 min
Associate Cindy Sullivan with her new granddaughter, Sophie.

How does it feel to be celebrating 25 years as an associate?
I appreciate my associate experience and the amazing women and men who have journeyed with me. Although I am not as active today, the CSJ charism is part of my heart and I treasure the many CSJ/A relationships that have blessed my life.

Why did you decide to become an associate?
I was attending Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church in the Soulard neighborhood in St. Louis, and Sister Rose Marie Groppe introduced me to Pat Sheridan at our Sedar meal and mentioned Pat was an associate. S. Rose Marie then introduced me to Sister Audrey Olsen who was creating a group of new and interested associates and we joined that group—The Carondelet Community—to learn more about the associate program.

What is it about the CSJs' mission and charism that you love so much?
Love for the dear neighbor, the maxims, sharing the state of our hearts and so many other attributes have helped me in good and challenging times to be open to listening and accepting that my life has purpose and a path that is mine to do and "be," along with the knowledge that I am part of a community of prayer and action in our world.

How do you live out the CSJ charism in your daily life and work?
I place high value on relationships, being present and listening to those who are in my daily life. I try to be a healing presence, offer prayerful support as needed and continue to grow in my spiritual life through reading and reflection.

What is your ministry?
Currently retired, I have more opportunity to spend time in prayer and meditation. Where I was once an active participant in several ministries (Center for Women in Transition, Feed My People, Mary's Pence, Home Sweet Home and others), I now provide financial support and prayer support.

What are your hobbies?
Grandmother and friend. I play in a Dominoes and Mah Jong group each month. And I am an avid fabric collector—also known as a quilter— although I just love going to classes, touching and collecting beautiful fabrics and piecing quilt tops. 

In addition ...
I would also like to say that I am blessed to have lived in San Diego, California, for several years and to have been an active associate in the Los Angeles province, which really provided an anchor for me since I did not know anyone when I relocated to the West Coast. I was able to be part of the associate group in San Diego, spend time volunteering at Catholic Charities in North San Diego and make frequent visits to the Los Angeles Motherhouse for CSJ/A gatherings. 

I am very thankful to be able to have the CSJ community to connect and learn from during this time as well.